Ready to Change the World by UWE Bristol


This piece was selected for review by Kyle Campbell.

Ready To Change The World is the hero ad that brings the vision of UWE Bristol to life. It was launched in January 2023 across Youtube and cinema and at the time of writing has had over 325k views.

UWE Bristol says…

We believe that it’s only when you ask 'what if?' that you discover 'why not?'.
That’s why we’re not afraid to ask difficult questions – and tackle the big issues head on.

Hoo-flipping-rah I say.


The film was produced by Omni Productions, Bristol

Three take-outs

  • We’re humans and most of our responses are driven by emotion not logic. Too many HEI’s try to logic their way to success. It will have very limited success. Tell stories that resonate emotionally.

  • If you don’t have one ask yourself why. The answer may not be easy to take but at least you can do something about it once you know.

    Is it because you haven’t worked out your positioning?

    Is it because you don’t have a brand idea that packs an emotional punch?

    Is it because you want to say sooooo many things it’ll never make a good ad?

    Is it because you started with your rankings as the idea then gave up? (Don’t blame you)

    Is it because … you don’t think you’ve got anything to say?

    ALL of these are solvable.

  • Executing your ideas with creative flair matters. It shows you care about your audience by delivering them something worthy of their time. And it shows you care for your product. If your Ad is as good as your university (and vice versa) it speaks to authenticity too. Everything aligned.

Ian Bates