Launching a ground-breaking digital security brand


Discribe is pioneering social science-led research as part of UKRI’s Digital Security by Design (DSbD) Programme.

By generating a greater understanding of the human barriers to success, Discribe is playing a critical role in shaping the next generation of digital security technologies.

WIth a three-year funding window and ambitious milestone targets, Discribe had to scale fast to deliver on their commitment to become a hub for global experts to share cutting edge research and insights.

We ran elements of our Ignite brand accelerator process, designed to create a focussed, cost-effective solution in a short timescale. This enabled Discribe to move quickly on the important task of driving engagement and commissioning research. 

Starting with a Brand Positioning sprint, we defined the proposition, vision and key messages that would appeal to a target audience with diverse motivations and needs. 

We then moved into an iterative Brand Basics phase, bringing Discribe to life: including a distinct logo, strap-line, font, colourways, tone of voice and imagery. With agility in mind, our template-based approach brought these elements together in a visually impactful website.

“The work was excellent. I loved their way of working – with insightful questioning. Firehaus are very easy to work with”

Liz Foot, Discribe Project Administrator

"Firehaus helped us articulate our purpose in a straightforward and engaging way for our diverse stakeholder audience, with a distinctive brand identity to give us much-needed standout. The process was hugely insightful, revelationary and enjoyable, transforming how we think about Discribe's potential and how we present ourselves to the world”

Professor Adam Joinson, Director of Discribe